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Amazon Connect Instance Fundamentals

Amazon Connect Instance Fundamentals


Free of Charge

An Amazon Connect instance is a virtual representation of your contact center in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. Each instance contains all the resources the contact center needs to effectively operate your organizations specific workloads.

In this course, you will learn the specific concepts and terminology related to an Amazon Connect instance. You will also learn how to design and create an instance in the AWS cloud.

Who should attend

This course is intended for contact center professionals, including those in roles such as: contact center engineer, technologist, implementation consultant, and IVR designer.

What you will learn

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Recognize the meaning of key instance concepts.
  • List selection criteria for your Amazon Connect instance region.
  • Recognize the identity management options available for Amazon Connect users.
  • Identify the number of instances that best fit your business needs.
  • Identify the steps required to create an instance.
  • Relate data storage configuration options and naming conventions to help better organize stored objects.
  • Identify administrator configuration options for your Amazon Connect contact center.
  • Recognize application data and channel configuration settings.
  • Identify additional application settings to expand your contact center functionality.