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Getting Started with Amazon Timestream

Getting Started with Amazon Timestream


Free of Charge
Amazon Timestream is a scalable, fully managed, purpose-built serverless time series database that can help you store and analyze time series data. In this course, you will learn the benefits, typical use cases, and technical concepts of Timestream. You can try the service through provided sample code or the interactive tool in the AWS Management Console.Course level: FundamentalDuration: 1 hourActivitiesThis course includes demonstrations, graphics, and interactive activities.Course objectivesIn this course, you will learn to:Understand how Timestream works.Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Timestream.List typical use cases for Timestream.Specify what it would take to implement Timestream in a real-world scenario.Recognize the benefits of Timestream.Explain the cost structure of Timestream.Show how to use Timestream from the AWS Management Console and using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).Intended audienceThis course is intended for:Database developersData architectsSolutions architectsCloud practitionersIT operations engineersIT professionalsIT leadersPrerequisitesNone Course outline Introduction to Timestream Architecture and Use Cases How Do I Launch a Timestream Database with Tables? How Do I Query a Timestream Database?Learn More