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Gifts, Invitations, Donations and Sponsorships

Gifts, Invitations, Donations and Sponsorships


USD 59.00
excl. VAT

Gifts and invitations are a routine part of doing business. However, with an evergrowing number of cases of bribery and corruption coming before the courts, many employees feel unsettled. This training will help you understand what benefits are allowed, which are questionable, or which should be avoided altogether. This way you can feel secure when dealing with gifts and invitations.

What you will learn

  • Fundamental rules for dealing with gifts and invitations.
  • Knowing the limits: managing a legitimate relationship vs. committing a prosecutable offence.
  • Dealing with gifts and invitations in a way that complies with the law — preventing conflicts of interest.

Additional information

Note: This course is offered bilingual. The language can be switched between English and German at any time during the course.