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Industry Essentials: Enterprise Storage

Industry Essentials: Enterprise Storage


Free of Charge

This online course introduces the technologies that enterprises use to store and manage data. You learn techniques and technologies for storing data and mechanisms for protecting data. You also learn about the different types of storage systems and storage networking technologies. The course discusses key concepts of business continuity, storage security, storage management, and cloud computing.

Who should attend

NetApp customers, partners, and employees

Course Prerequisites

A fundamental understanding of computer architecture, application software, computer networking, and network protocols is recommended.

What you will learn

This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

  • Identify the key components of an enterprise IT infrastructure and the types of storage devices
  • Describe the different types of storage systems, their architectures, and their components
  • Discuss the different types of storage networking technologies
  • Explain data protection mechanisms, storage security, and data compliance
  • Describe the key processes for storage infrastructure monitoring and management
  • Provide an overview of cloud storage technologies

Additional information

Please note: In case you do not have an user account with NetApp yet, you need to register first. It may take several hours until your new account with NetApp will be confirmed.