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Installing and Configuring E-Series and EF-Series Storage Systems

Installing and Configuring E-Series and EF-Series Storage Systems


Free of Charge

In this online course, you learn about the different configuration options for the NetApp® E-Series and EF-Series storage systems. You also learn about the architectural components and available features. The course describes the installation preparation and cabling guidelines that are specific to these systems. Lastly, you learn how to verify that the system is functioning correctly before you deliver the system to the customer.

Who should attend

NetApp customers, partners, and employees

What you will learn

This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

  • Identify the technical features of E-Series and EF-Series storage systems
  • Complete the preparation tasks that are required to perform a system installation
  • Install and cable the E2800, E5700, and EF600 storage systems and associated drive shelves in accordance with NetApp recommended practices
  • Verify that a newly installed E-Series or EF-Series storage system is functioning properly

Additional information

Please note: In case you do not have an user account with NetApp yet, you need to register first. It may take several hours until your new account with NetApp will be confirmed.