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Cloud Volumes ONTAP Fundamentals

Cloud Volumes ONTAP Fundamentals


Free of Charge

Cloud Volumes ONTAP enables you to optimize your cloud storage costs and performance while enhancing data protection, security and compliance

This course describes the features and benefits of the NetApp® Cloud Volumes ONTAP® system. The course enables you to explain the architecture and functionality of cloud-based NetApp ONTAP storage. You also learn how to use NetApp Cloud Manager for basic administration, configuration, and management of the Cloud Volumes ONTAP system.

This course is designed for storage administrators of any experience level.

Who should attend

NetApp customers, partners, and employees

Course Prerequisites

A basic knowledge of ONTAP 9 software, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform is recommended.

What you will learn

This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

  • Describe the components of a Cloud Volumes ONTAP system
  • List the deployment topologies and options
  • Identify the various management methods and interfaces
  • Describe how data is managed in the Cloud Volumes ONTAP system

Additional information

Please note: In case you do not have an user account with NetApp yet, you need to register first. It may take several hours until your new account with NetApp will be confirmed.