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Self-confidence at work

Self-confidence at work


USD 149.00
excl. VAT

You‘ve already achieved quite a lot in your professional life. Have you reached a point where you wonder where you are headed next? What exciting new projects and developments still await you? Do you know your strengths and what you would still like to achieve? This e-learning invites you to consciously engage with an important part of your personal development. Dive into the diverse facets of the big topic of „self confidence“. Explore your personal strengths, learn how to communicate them to the right people, and focus on your goals and competencies. Kick off into a long-term, self-reflective and satisfying professional life, in which you make full use of your personal strengths and competencies to actively shape your career.

Who should attend

Experts and managers looking for new challenges. All employees that want to reflect on their job situation and define new goals, and perhaps increase their job satisfaction and self-efficacy. For all employees who are getting used to a changing work enviroment and increasingly digitalized communication.

What you will learn

  • Define what personal strengths are to you
  • Name your own personal strengths and enhance these selectively
  • Deal more easily with weaknesses
  • Communicate your strengths and develop an appropriate PR strategy for yourself
  • Differentiate between healthy ambition and excessive perfectionism Reflect on your perfectionistic demands and develop routines to mitigate them
  • Review your professional wants and needs, and set yourself goals
  • Actively participate in shaping your work, thereby increasing job satisfaction
  • Consciously recognise achievements, so that you can deal with obstacles and challenges with more ease
  • Set boundaries and learn to say „no“ in important situations
  • Stand up for your decisions and needs with self-confidence – a little more each day

Additional information

Note: This course is offered bilingual. The language can be switched between English and German at any time during the course.