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SharePoint 365 Spotlight - Orientation to Page Creation

SharePoint 365 Spotlight - Orientation to Page Creation


USD 10.99
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Orientation to Page Creation for Collaboration Sites is where to begin the learning process. Page creation starts here for Collaboration Sites. All the basic topics required to be successful are explained and demonstrated. The differences between Collaboration sites and Communication sites are explained first, as features are different, and the techniques to use certain features may vary. Multilingual pages are not supported in collaboration sites as they are in communication sites, so that topic is covered in the bundle for communication sites.

 Creating a newsfeed is explained and demonstrated. Newsfeed content may be curated for specific users, and the process used by SharePoint is examined. Optionally, notifications and relevant news may be sent to mobile devices. Page features as a content structure are covered and compared to lists and libraries. Consideration is given to content layout, navigation, and interactivity within a page. Various types of interaction are covered. The three core page types, webpart pages, wiki pages, and site pages are explained and demonstrated. Extra attention is given to the newer site pages as they render better on mobile devices.

Finally, proper usage of the Site Assets Library and Site Pages Library is covered. Truly interactive pages cannot be properly created without an understanding of these two libraries.

Course Prerequisites

Microsoft Word Beginner, SharePoint User