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SnapCenter Fundamentals 

SnapCenter Fundamentals 


Free of Charge

This course covers the basic requirements, licensing, and definitions of NetApp® SnapCenter® software. You learn how to integrate SnapCenter software with NetApp ONTAP® features and role-based access control (RBAC), and you learn about the various plug-ins that are available with SnapCenter software.

It is recommended that you attend this course before you enroll in the SnapCenter Administration course.

Who should attend

Everyone who is interested in SnapCenter software

What you will learn

This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

  • Describe the basic functions of SnapCenter software components and how they are deployed and licensed
  • Describe the abilities of each SnapCenter plug-in to perform application-consistent backup, restore, and clone operations of application databases
  • Describe how SnapCenter software integrates with ONTAP features to provide disaster recovery and archiving capabilities
  • Describe how SnapCenter data protection policies and schedules are applied to application resources and resource groups
  • Describe how SnapCenter RBAC can enable database administrators to manage their own data protection
  • Monitor SnapCenter data

Additional information

Please note: In case you do not have an user account with NetApp yet, you need to register first. It may take several hours until your new account with NetApp will be confirmed.