This learning package will help you prepare ideally for your selected official Microsoft exam.
With the help of different types of learning materials, you can evaluate your current level of knowledge, work on tasks in a virtual laboratory environment and practice and simulate the exam situation under realistic exam conditions. You will also take part in live online sessions conducted by certified Microsoft experts in preparation for the exam. Permanent access to all exam-relevant e-learning courses for self-study completes this learning package.
After booking, you will receive 180 days of unlimited access to all learning materials and can take advantage of this offer as often and as long as you like during this period.
The live online sessions to prepare for the exam take place on fixed dates in the form of live webinars. Participants can discuss all topic-related questions with certified Microsoft experts in a group in a virtual classroom situation. Booking an appointment for these sessions is required and can be done from the learning package.
Overview of content:
- Self-Assessment
- Practice Lab
- MS Learn Training
- Exam Prep Session
- MeasureUp Practice Test
Additional information
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Um dieses Programm erfolgreich abzuschliessen, buchen Sie noch heute Ihren «Microsoft Certification Exam Voucher», mit dem Sie an der offiziellen Microsoft-Zertifizierungsprüfung teilnehmen können.
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