Mainframe workloads often lack the agility needed to deploy new business functions and their technical complexity slows down development. This course provides you with the most common mainframe modernization drivers and an understanding of the key approaches to mainframe modernization using the three phases of migration (Assess, Mobilize, and Migrate and Modernize).Course level: FundamentalDuration: 60 minutesActivitiesThis course includes presentations and assessments.Course objectivesIn this course, you will learn the following:Common mainframe modernization driversThe AWS value proposition for mainframe workloadsThe AWS Mainframe Modernization ApproachThe Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) methodologyWorkload-by-workload migration processIntended audienceThis course is intended for:CustomersPartnersAmazoniansPrerequisitesWe recommend that attendees of this course have:Fundamental level understanding of mainframesFundamental level understanding of the AWS Cloud Course outlineIntroductionAWS Mainframe Modernization ApproachMAP OverviewAssess PhaseMobilize PhaseMigrate and Modernize PhaseLarge Mainframe Workload-by-Workload MigrationSummary
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