Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud

Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud


USD 49,50

MongoDB Atlas provided customers a fully managed, database-as-a-service on Google’s data cloud that is unmatched in speed, scale, and security—all with AI built in.

Modern database systems, including MongoDB, have been a big step forward—giving businesses a more flexible, scalable, and developer-friendly alternative to legacy relational databases. But there is an even bigger payoff with a solution such as MongoDB Atlas a fully managed, database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offering. It is an approach that gives businesses all of the advantages of a modern, scalable, highly available database, while freeing IT to focus on high-value activities.

What you will learn

  • Explore Mongodb Atlas on Google Cloud.
  • Leverage MongoDB Atlas App Services products, such as Triggers and Functions, to call Cloud Natural Language Processing and carry out sentiment analysis on the comments.
  • Configure MongoDB Atlas and load the sample database and movies collection on MongoDB Atlas using dataflow pipeline.
  • Get some practical experience with Kubernetes by learning how to set up a MongoDB database with a StatefulSet.
  • Construct a pipeline that seamlessly transports real-time data generated by edge devices or sensors to MongoDB using MongoDB Atlas Data API.
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USD 49,50

Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud

Module 1

Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud

Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud

Google LIS-GOOGLE-9118
USD 9,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 días
Building an Application with MongoDB Atlas and Natural Language API hosted on Cloud Run

Module 2

Building an Application with MongoDB Atlas and Natural Language API hosted on Cloud Run

Building an Application with MongoDB Atlas and Natural Language API hosted on Cloud Run

Google LIS-GOOGLE-9119
USD 9,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 días
Configuring MongoDB Atlas with BigQuery Dataflow Templates

Module 3

Configuring MongoDB Atlas with BigQuery Dataflow Templates

Configuring MongoDB Atlas with BigQuery Dataflow Templates

Google LIS-GOOGLE-9139
USD 9,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 días
Running a MongoDB Database in Kubernetes with StatefulSets

Module 4

Running a MongoDB Database in Kubernetes with StatefulSets

Running a MongoDB Database in Kubernetes with StatefulSets

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2045
USD 9,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 días
Containers are becoming a popular way to run and scale applications across multiple cloud providers or on both cloud and on-premise hardware. This lab provides a quick introduction to running a MongoDB database on Kubernetes Engine using Docker.
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Creating a Real-time Data Pipeline using Eventarc and MongoDB Atlas

Module 5

Creating a Real-time Data Pipeline using Eventarc and MongoDB Atlas

Creating a Real-time Data Pipeline using Eventarc and MongoDB Atlas

Google LIS-GOOGLE-9156
USD 9,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 días

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