In your day-to-day work, you could become an unwitting accomplice to money laundering. Many sectors can be affected, not only the cashheavy luxury goods industry. Industrial companies that manufacture or trade in products, for example, are also susceptible to money laundering. Extra caution should be exercised in foreign trade in particular. In this training, you will learn how to recognize it and what to do in order to protect yourself and your company from inconvenience, liability, prosecution, and damage to your reputation.
What you will learn
- How you could come into contact with money laundering.
- What the due diligence obligations for industrial companies look like.
- How to protect yourself and your company from money laundering.
- What the consequences are of committing an offense.
Additional information
Note: This course is offered bilingual. The language can be switched between English and German at any time during the course.
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