AWS Managed Services (AMS): Access Management

AWS Managed Services (AMS): Access Management


AWS Managed Services (AMS) operates Amazon Web Services (AWS) on behalf of customers. AMS provides a secure and compliant AWS Landing Zone, a proven enterprise operating model, ongoing cost optimization, and day-to-day infrastructure management. In this course, you will learn how AMS interacts with your identity provider to grant you access to your resources in AMS.Intended AudienceThis course is intended for:Partners CustomersCourse ObjectivesIn this course, you will learn how to:Describe access management in AMS Identify how to gain access to AMS via the console Identify how to gain access to instances via bastion hostsPrerequisitesWe recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:A basic understanding of AMS A basic understanding of access managementDelivery MethodThis course is delivered through:Video with closed captions Digital trainingDuration4 Hours 30 MinutesCourse OutlineThis course covers the following concepts:What is AMS access management? How AMS establishes access to your managed resources How AMS interacts with your managed resources Architecture and access Architecture for access management Interfaces for access Request-for-change (RFC) process for access Access management setup Overview of bastion hosts Use of bastion hosts in the access management process
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