AWS Managed Services (AMS): Change Management Overview

AWS Managed Services (AMS): Change Management Overview


AWS Managed Services (AMS) operates Amazon Web Services (AWS) on customers’ behalf. AMS provides a secure and compliant AWS Landing Zone, a proven enterprise operating model, ongoing cost optimization, and day-to-day infrastructure management. In this course, you will learn how AMS manages requests for change (RFCs).Intended audienceThis course is intended for:Partners CustomersCourse objectivesIn this course, you will learn how to:Describe the purpose of the AMS change management process Identify the steps of the change management process Explain the lifecycle of an RFCPrerequisiteWe recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisite:Basic understanding of AMS servicesDelivery methodThis course is delivered through:Digital training VideoDuration14 HoursCourse outlineThis course covers the following concepts:Purpose of the change management process Steps in requesting an RFC Lifecycle of an RFC
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