Build a Website on Google Cloud

Build a Website on Google Cloud


EUR 31,60

Complete the Build a Website on Google Cloud skill badge quest. This quest is based on the series Get Cooking in Cloud, where you will learn how to: 1. Deploy a website on Cloud Run. 2. Host a web app on Compute Engine. 3. Create, deploy, and scale your website on Google Kubernetes Engine. 4. Migrate from a monolithic application to a microservices architecture.

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EUR 31,60

Deploy Your Website on Cloud Run

Module 1

Deploy Your Website on Cloud Run

Deploy Your Website on Cloud Run

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2340
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage
In this lab you will deploy a website to Google Kubernetes Engine, scale it out to more instances, then deploy a new version using rolling updates.
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Hosting a Web App on Google Cloud Using Compute Engine

Module 2

Hosting a Web App on Google Cloud Using Compute Engine

Hosting a Web App on Google Cloud Using Compute Engine

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2470
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage
In this lab you’ll deploy and scale a Web App on Google Compute Engine.
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Deploy, Scale, and Update Your Website on Google Kubernetes Engine

Module 3

Deploy, Scale, and Update Your Website on Google Kubernetes Engine

Deploy, Scale, and Update Your Website on Google Kubernetes Engine

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2333
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage
In this lab you will learn how to deploy a website to Google Kubernetes Engine, scale it out to more instances, and deploy a new version using Rolling Updates.
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Migrating a Monolithic Website to Microservices on Google Kubernetes Engine

Module 4

Migrating a Monolithic Website to Microservices on Google Kubernetes Engine

Migrating a Monolithic Website to Microservices on Google Kubernetes Engine

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2458
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage
In this lab you will deploy a monolithic application to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, then break it down into microservices.
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* Pflichtfelder