Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud

Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud


EUR 31,60

Complete the Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud quest, where you will learn how to deploy and manage a containerized application using Google Kubernetes Engine and kubectl; launch a VM-based application and then monitor and stress the application; deploy continuous delivery pipelines using Google Kubernetes Engine and Spinnaker; create and control access to multiple VPC networks, configure and use Cloud Monitoring to troubleshoot breaks in applications.

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EUR 31,60

Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes

Module 1

Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes

Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2138
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage

In this lab you will learn how to:

  • Provision a complete Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes Engine.
  • Deploy and manage Docker containers using kubectl.
  • Break an application into microservices using Kubernetes' Deployments and Services.

Kubernetes is all about applications. In this part of the lab you will use an example application called "app".

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Continuous Delivery Pipelines with Spinnaker and Kubernetes Engine

Module 2

Continuous Delivery Pipelines with Spinnaker and Kubernetes Engine

Continuous Delivery Pipelines with Spinnaker and Kubernetes Engine

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2009
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage

This hands-on lab shows you how to create a continuous delivery pipeline using Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Source Repositories, Google Cloud Container Builder, and Spinnaker. After you create a sample application, you configure these services to automatically build, test, and deploy it. When you modify the application code, the changes trigger the continuous delivery pipeline to automatically rebuild, retest, and redeploy the new version.

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Multiple VPC Networks

Module 3

Multiple VPC Networks

Multiple VPC Networks

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2122
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage

In this lab you create several VPC networks and VM instances and test connectivity across networks. Specifically, you create two custom mode networks (managementnet and privatenet) with firewall rules and VM instances.

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Troubleshooting Workloads on GKE for Site Reliability Engineers

Module 4

Troubleshooting Workloads on GKE for Site Reliability Engineers

Troubleshooting Workloads on GKE for Site Reliability Engineers

Google LIS-GOOGLE-2479
EUR 7,90
Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs
30 Tage
The Cloud Operations Sandbox is intended to make it easy for you to deploy and run a non-trivial application that lets you explore the Google Cloud Platform services, particularly the Cloud Operations (formerly Stackdriver) product suite.
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* Pflichtfelder