Digital Detox

Digital Detox


EUR 49,00
exkl. MwSt.

Digitalization has completely transformed our entire lives. It has many positive aspects, but also negative consequences such as stress and poor concentration. In this e-learning you will analyse the causes of digital stress and get tips on how to deal with the effects of being constantly available. Furthermore you will get to know and try out several different ways to find your way back to relaxation. In addition, our Digital Detox Emergency Kit will enable you to recognise digital stress, and provide you with the tools to do something about it right away.

Wer teilnehmen sollte

All employees who would from time to time like to take a break from the digital world and being constantly available.

Was du lernen wirst

  • Understand the causes of digital stress such as multitasking, interruptions and immediate rewards, and be aware of how best to deal with them
  • Analyse your use of digital media and devices
  • Develop strategies for increasing awareness when using digital media and devices, and use the Digital Detox strategies
  • Deal with the effects of digitalization and constant availability better
  • Identify possible digital-free spaces and times
  • Consciously find your way back to relaxation

Zusätzliche Informationen

Note: This course is offered bilingual. The language can be switched between English and German at any time during the course.

Mastering digitalization with ease.
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