Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation

Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation


AWS CloudFormation gives you a way to model a collection of related AWS and third-party resources, provision them quickly and consistently, and manage them throughout their lifecycles. In this “Getting Started” course, you will learn the basics of CloudFormation and how to use it to manage your infrastructure. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 20 minutesActivitiesThis course includes presentations, graphics, and interactive activities.Course objectivesIn this course, you will learn to: • Explain the purpose and functionality of CloudFormation. • Describe how CloudFormation fits into the larger domain context. • List typical use cases for CloudFormation. • Specify what it would take to implement CloudFormation in a real-world scenario. • Explain the cost structure of CloudFormation. • Show how to use CloudFormation from the AWS Management Console and using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). • Locate resources and further training available.Intended audienceThis course is intended for: • AWS Cloud Practitioners interested in learning how to manage their infrastructure as code. PrerequisitesNo prerequisites needed.Course outline • CloudFormation Basics • Using CloudFormation • Learn More
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