PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform Developer (Self-paced exam prep)

PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform Developer (Self-paced exam prep)

Microsoft MSL-PL400


As a candidate for this exam, you design, develop, test, secure, and troubleshoot Microsoft Power Platform solutions. You implement components of a solution that include:

  • Application enhancements
  • Custom user experiences
  • System integrations
  • Data conversions
  • Custom process automation

You must have:

  • A strong applied knowledge of Microsoft Power Platform services, including in-depth understanding of its capabilities, boundaries, and constraints.
  • A basic understanding of authentication, security, and application lifecycle management (ALM) practices for the Microsoft Power Platform.

As a candidate, you should have development experience that includes Microsoft Power Platform services, JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, RESTful Web APIs, and Microsoft Azure.

Zusätzliche Informationen

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to prepare for your exam, scroll down to the "Two ways to prepare" section, after starting your one-click enrollment.

There you will find all the relevant exam preparation courses.

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