Synthetic Data Generation for Training Computer Vision Models

Synthetic Data Generation for Training Computer Vision Models


EUR 26,90
exkl. MwSt.

How much data is enough? This is a common question when fine-tuning or training computer vision models. In cases where data collection is a limiting factor, we can use synthetic data! NVIDIA Omniverse Replicator streamlines synthetic data generation (SDG) using 3D assets into a single application, with the ability to modify the appearance and format of the data. This lab highlights one of the ways deep learning tools and Omniverse can be used together to streamline deep learning workloads.


  • Intermediate understanding of Python (including classes, objects, and decorators): learn about this topic from the tutorials
  • Basic understanding of Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts and pipelines:learn about this topic from the “Deep Learning Demystified” video

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