Synthetic Tabular Data Generation Using Transformers

Synthetic Tabular Data Generation Using Transformers


EUR 26,90
exkl. MwSt.

Synthetic data generation (SDG) is a data augmentation technique necessary for increasing the robustness of models by supplying training data. With advancements in pre-trained Transformers, data scientists across all industries are learning to use them to generate synthetic training data for downstream predictive tasks. In this course, you’ll explore the use of Transformers for synthetic tabular data generation. We will use credit card transactions data and the Megatron framework for the course, but this technique is broadly applicable to tabular data in general.


  • Competency in the Python 3 programming language.
  • Basic understanding of machine learning and deep learning concepts and pipelines.
  • Experience building machine learning models with tabular data.
  • Basic understanding of language modeling and transformers.

Was du lernen wirst

By participating in this course, you will:

  • Learn how synthetic data can improve model performance.
  • Learn to use Transformers for Synthetic Data Generation.
  • Go through the end-to-end development workflow for generating synthetic data using Transformers, including data preprocessing, model pre-training, fine-tuning, inference, and evaluation.

Zusätzliche Informationen

PLEASE NOTE: It may take 2-3 business days for your course access to be activated. You will receive an email from us with all necessary details.

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