Scaling GPU- Accelerated Applications With the C++ Standard Library

Scaling GPU- Accelerated Applications With the C++ Standard Library


USD 30.00
excl. VAT

In this interactive, hands-on workshop, which is the followup to GPU Acceleration With the C++ Standard Library, you’ll learn how to write scalable, GPU-accelerated, hybrid applications using C++ standard language features alongside MPI.

Course Prerequisites

Beginner-level experience with C++11; comfort working with C++ lambdas and standard library algorithms; experience developing C++/MPI hybrid applications that require inter-rank communication; comfort working with C++ concurrency primitives such as std::thread, std::barrier, and andstd::thread

Additional information

PLEASE NOTE: It may take 2-3 business days for your course access to be activated. You will receive an email from us with all necessary details.