AZ-1003: Secure storage for Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage [Cloud Slice Provided]

AZ-1003: Secure storage for Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage [Cloud Slice Provided]

Skillable LIS-L-SKILL-21114

GBP 99.00
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Practice Labs are hands-on virtual labs powered by Skillable, Microsoft’s largest lab partner.

Solve topic-related tasks in a virtual machine and use external hardware resources. You work on specific tasks in many individual chapters. A description with many useful tips is displayed within the lab for support.

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GBP 99.00

Provide storage for the IT department testing and training | Exercise 01 (CSR)

Module 1

Provide storage for the IT department testing and training : Exercise 01 (CSR)

Provide storage for the IT department testing and training | Exercise 01 (CSR)

Skillable LIS-SKILL-20229
Free of Charge
180 days
Provide storage for the public website and provide private storage for internal company documents | Exercise 02 (CSR)

Module 2

Provide storage for the public website and provide private storage for internal company documents : Exercise 02 (CSR)

Provide storage for the public website and provide private storage for internal company documents | Exercise 02 (CSR)

Skillable LIS-SKILL-20055
Free of Charge
180 days
Provide storage for a new company app | Exercise 04 (CSR)

Module 3

Provide storage for a new company app : Exercise 04 (CSR)

Provide storage for a new company app | Exercise 04 (CSR)

Skillable LIS-SKILL-20230
Free of Charge
180 days
Provide shared file storage for the company offices | Exercise 03 (CSR)

Module 4

Provide shared file storage for the company offices : Exercise 03 (CSR)

Provide shared file storage for the company offices | Exercise 03 (CSR)

Skillable LIS-SKILL-20152
Free of Charge
180 days

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