


GBP 45.90
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This "Sales" learning package consists of the following 21 individual courses:

  • Creating a Win-Win sales approach
  • The art of persuading through listening. Part A
  • The art of persuading through listening.  Part B
  • Convincing customers with a winning offer
  • Prepare for a win-win negotiation
  • Keys to BtoB sales cycle
  • Conducting the negotiation process – Level 1
  • Conducting the negotiation process – Level 2
  • Conducting the negotiation process – Level 3
  • Ask the right questions to sell
  • Argue according to the customer profile
  • I target and prepare my prospecting by mobilizing my networks
  • I mobilize my resources and involve my colleagues
  • I manage the first moments of a meeting
  • I bring out and qualify the client need
  • I am a sales consultant, I help clients see new perspectives
  • I reinforce the value of my proposal during my pitch
  • I create impact during my presentations
  • I adapt to different client profiles
  • I prepare to answer objections from my client
  • I keep my promises and consolidate the relationship with my client

A detailed description of each individual course in this package can be found in the "What's included" tab on top.

After booking, this content is immediately available to you and can be used without restriction for 365 days.

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GBP 45.90

Creating a Win-Win sales approach

Module 1

Creating a Win-Win sales approach

Creating a Win-Win sales approach

Free of Charge
365 days
Start with success in mind. Go beyond what is obvious. Prepare yourself.
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The art of persuading through listening. Part A

Module 2

The art of persuading through listening. Part A

The art of persuading through listening. Part A

Free of Charge
365 days
Incorporating the five stages of persuasion into your arguments.Using the benefits of listening to help you persuade others.Reassuring your customer that they are being listened to and understood.PMI accreditation: earn 0.5 points toward your Leadership certification.
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The art of persuading through listening.  Part B

Module 3

The art of persuading through listening. Part B

The art of persuading through listening.  Part B

Free of Charge
365 days
Mastering the power of questioning to encourage the customer to think in a more mature way.Reinforcing your argument with active listening.PMI accreditation: earn 0.5 points toward your Leadership certification.
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Convincing customers with a winning offer

Module 4

Convincing customers with a winning offer

Convincing customers with a winning offer

Free of Charge
365 days
Identifying the factors driving your customer's buying decision.Adapting your offer and your arguments to cement your credibility.Using comparative arguments in an ethical way to convince your customer when faced with an offer from a competitor.Structuring your offer in a way that convinces effectively.PMI accreditation: earn 0.5 points toward your Leadership certification.
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Prepare for a win-win negotiation

Module 5

Prepare for a win-win negotiation

Prepare for a win-win negotiation

Free of Charge
365 days
Clarify the issues of the negotiation.Clarify your objectives.Prepare the negotiation and your arguments.Identify the concessions and possible compensations.PMI accreditation: earn 0.5 points toward your Leadership certification.
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Keys to BtoB sales cycle

Module 6

Keys to BtoB sales cycle

Keys to BtoB sales cycle

Free of Charge
365 days
The 4 key phases of a sales interview in a B to B context:Create contact to initiate the conversationKnow the customer's needs to adapt the offerConvince using the benefits of the offer to persuade to buyConclude the sale to take the order away
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Conducting the negotiation process – Level 1

Module 7

Conducting the negotiation process – Level 1

Conducting the negotiation process – Level 1

Free of Charge
365 days
Learn about the process.View an example.Train yourself to negotiate to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion through 4 situations composed of 5 interactions.
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Conducting the negotiation process – Level 2

Module 8

Conducting the negotiation process – Level 2

Conducting the negotiation process – Level 2

Free of Charge
365 days
Learn about the process View an example.Train yourself to negotiate to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion.In this level, you do not have all the cards in hand to satisfy the requests.
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Conducting the negotiation process – Level 3

Module 9

Conducting the negotiation process – Level 3

Conducting the negotiation process – Level 3

Free of Charge
365 days
Learn about the process.View an example.Train yourself to negotiate to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion.In this level, the situation is more difficult: your middleman refuses to make any compromise…
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Ask the right questions to sell

Module 10

Ask the right questions to sell

Ask the right questions to sell

Free of Charge
365 days
Learn about the SAFIR method for questioning.Visualize an example of a potential question to better answer it.Practise questioning by interacting with different characters.
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Argue according to the customer profile

Module 11

Argue according to the customer profile

Argue according to the customer profile

Free of Charge
365 days
Learn about the SPNCMSE method to adapt your arguments according to client profiles.View an example of how to use the method. Practise developing adapted arguments by interacting with different characters.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I target and prepare my prospecting by mobilizing my networks

Module 12

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I target and prepare my prospecting by mobilizing my networks

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I target and prepare my prospecting by mobilizing my networks

Free of Charge
365 days
Select prospects based on potential and accessibility of decision makers and the market. Approach your prospects differently on social networks. Organize your agenda and get mentally prepared. Use your professional network to approachprospects.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I mobilize my resources and involve my colleagues

Module 13

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I mobilize my resources and involve my colleagues

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I mobilize my resources and involve my colleagues

Free of Charge
365 days
Anticipate and get help if it's something new. Confirm availability with operational teams. Organize teams in advance to ensure the viability of the project.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I manage the first moments of a meeting

Module 14

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I manage the first moments of a meeting

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I manage the first moments of a meeting

Free of Charge
365 days
Establish a friendly, customer-focused atmosphere. Prepare a targeted hook. Set the framework for the meeting. Ask about the person and their function beyond their title.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I bring out and qualify the client need

Module 15

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I bring out and qualify the client need

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I bring out and qualify the client need

Free of Charge
365 days
Ask about the client's current situation and solution. Clarify the advantages of the current solution. Question to highlight the flaws in the current solution. Point out the foreseeable impacts of the fault. Restate their need and the gaps to be filled.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I am a sales consultant, I help clients see new perspectives

Module 16

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I am a sales consultant, I help clients see new perspectives

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I am a sales consultant, I help clients see new perspectives

Free of Charge
365 days
Listen to the implicit signals expressed in the customer's environment. Question these signals to further the customer's thinking. Make proposals with a global approach. Value the customer's issues and the objectives of their role.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I reinforce the value of my proposal during my pitch

Module 17

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I reinforce the value of my proposal during my pitch

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I reinforce the value of my proposal during my pitch

Free of Charge
365 days
Rephrase to ensure that all client issues are addressed. Use a custom argument structure: APBMake the customer want to buy by appealing to their emotions. Use rational factors to be convincing. Conclude your argument by getting customer feedback.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I create impact during my presentations

Module 18

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I create impact during my presentations

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I create impact during my presentations

Free of Charge
365 days
Define the roles of each person. Personalize with something for each person. Make people envision possibilities. Use the narrative potential of your offer.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I adapt to different client profiles

Module 19

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I adapt to different client profiles

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I adapt to different client profiles

Free of Charge
365 days
Listen and synchronize with the client to create trust. Choose the right words to better adapt. Build on authenticity to strengthen customer relationships.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I prepare to answer objections from my client

Module 20

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I prepare to answer objections from my client

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I prepare to answer objections from my client

Free of Charge
365 days
Receive the objection. Hear the objection outTry to understand the objection and rephrase. Respond in a cooperative manner.
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MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I keep my promises and consolidate the relationship with my client

Module 21

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I keep my promises and consolidate the relationship with my client

MyStory as a Senior Salesperson: I keep my promises and consolidate the relationship with my client

Free of Charge
365 days
Say what you will do, and build commitment. Do what you say. Continue to do what you promised, even if there are deviations. Maintain the customer relationship over time.
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