Service Provider Routing & Switching
Juniper On-Demand Training
On-Demand Training courses provide hands-on, lab-based technical training whenever you want to learn. Each course includes self-paced, web-delivered instruction along with access to real online lab exercises to help you practice the lessons you are learning.

Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS)
Juniper NIC-JP-IJOSUSD 4.000,00 -
Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR)
Juniper NIC-JP-JIRUSD 2.000,00 -
Junos MPLS Fundamentals (JMF)
Juniper NIC-JP-JMFUSD 3.000,00 -
Junos Segment Routing (JSR)
Juniper NIC-JP-JSRUSD 1.000,00 -
Junos Service Provider Switching (JSPX)
Juniper NIC-JP-JSPXUSD 2.000,00 -
Advanced Junos Service Provider Routing (AJSPR)
Juniper NIC-JP-AJSPRUSD 5.000,00 -
Junos Layer 3 VPNs (JL3V)
Juniper NIC-JP-JL3VUSD 3.000,00 -
Junos Layer 2 VPNs (JL2V)
Juniper NIC-JP-JL2VUSD 3.000,00 -
Circuit to Packet Series (CTP)
Juniper NIC-JP-CTPUSD 3.000,00 -
Junos Subscriber Management (JSM)
Juniper NIC-JP-JSMUSD 4.000,00