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Build your ServiceNow skills and unlock the possibilities with self-paced courses and career journeys that help you RiseUp with ServiceNow. ServiceNow self-paced courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in managing, automating, and optimizing your organization's IT services.
Service Portal Advanced
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-SPAUSD 500.00 -
Service Portal Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-SPFUSD 500.00 -
Domain Separation Implementation
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-DSIUSD 500.00 -
Application Development Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-ADFUSD 500.00 -
Scripting in ServiceNow Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-SSNFUSD 500.00 -
ServiceNow Platform Implementation
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-SNPIUSD 500.00 -
ServiceNow Administration Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-SNAFUSD 500.00 -
ServiceNow Administration Advanced
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-SNAAUSD 500.00 -
Account Lifecycle Events (ALE) Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-ALEFUSD 500.00 -
Knowledge Management (KM) Implementation
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-KMIUSD 500.00 -
Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-NLUFUSD 500.00 -
Order Management Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-OMFUSD 500.00 -
UI Builder Fundamentals
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-UIBFUSD 500.00 -
Virtual Agent Implementation
ServiceNow NIC-SNO-VAIUSD 500.00